What is Veilock?

Veilock (previously AstroVPN) was created by a group of IT-savvy students in 2016. At this time, our primary focus was offering VPN solutions that were not as easily detected by DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and other firewall services that prevent connectivity. Early on we had an extensive beta trial comprised of 130+ users, mostly students. Since our establishment, our team has grown into a multinational collaboration of enthusiasts and adopted a new primary focus on user-end privacy. In our early development, we played with the idea of building advertisement and malware blocking into our service, further improving the end user's security, and improving the online experience.

What We Do Differently

We believe the VPN industry as a whole lacks the ability for customized experiences, allowing for individuals to hand-select to what extent they want to protect themselves. Veilock puts the power in the hands of the user to optionally build their rulesets and protect themselves from threats like coinmining, ransomware, spyware, adult/mature content, government, and more. The "one size fits all" security package ideology doesn't benefit any individual, and potentially forces unwanted policies on customers. Veilock is the ultimate solution combining the best of digital security with dynamic policies and configurations.

As a company we look forward to expanding our VPN network and further improving our content blocking system. A major goal we have is to complete the development of our custom applications, providing a slick and user-friendly way to unlock the power of Veilock.